Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

Therapy in Karil and Leh in April



For your kind information, both the center and school are open.

As the school in Kargil are open for all classes from Pre-Nursery to 12th standard. Thus our REWA NA KASCO Inclusive Students are also getting regular classes.

Our Therapist are going for home visits too.

So this is to report that both the Disability center as well as Inclusive School are working normal. With due care about covid prevention.

Further yet there is no any instruction from Government for any new lock down in kargil.  For your information in kargil district so far we have only three positive cases under treatment at the District covid Hospital.


Report from Gulzar Munshi





We bring  the children for  therapy every day. But few children's come, parents still scared because covid cases have increased, new strain 22cases identified at Leh this week.


Report by Manager Dorjay

Therapy in Kargil in April 2021

Therapy in Leh in 2021



Ladakh-Hilfe e.V., 

Sparkasse Günzburg



IBAN: DE237205184 00008187981 

Tag der Umwelt in Kargil, April 2024


Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.

Peterbergstraße 23
79117 Freiburg,





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