Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

REWA Staff in Leh and Kargil meet in March

REWA team in Leh has been meeting at their therapy center since March 1st to clean, set up and get ready. School and therapy will open up with limited capacity first on March 15th, as the circumstances permit, more children will be added for therapy.

 On March 8th they held a membership meeting in Leh, discussed the issues of REWA and the plan of the year.

In Kargil the REWA na Kasco Team met first for a planning meeting with Gulzar and and for a staff meeting with the school staff. 


Gulzar reports, that school will reopen on March 14th alternating classes. The same will work for the therapy center. They will take in beneficiaries and students as capacity and circumstances permit. 



Ladakh-Hilfe e.V., 

Sparkasse Günzburg



IBAN: DE237205184 00008187981 

Tag der Umwelt in Kargil, April 2024


Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.

Peterbergstraße 23
79117 Freiburg,





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