Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

Foundation Stone Ceremony and Founder Day in Leh, June 28th

Foundation Stone Ceremony

On June 29th the Leh Team organized a special foundation stone ceremony at the new site of our future Comprehensive Rehabilitation Center. All parents, children, staff and some visitors were there to attend. 

The sun shone brightly and warmed our hearts. Manager Dorjay and supervisor Norbu had erected a memorial in which they engraved a tablet honoring the founder of REWA Society, Mrs. Karola Wood. She was asked to open the curtain to the foundation stone and everybody clapped and was very happy. Chocolates were passed around and all spoke about help for and a good future for the special needs children and their parents. 

Founders Day Celebration


Later in the morning everybody met in the special tent in front of Lions Club building. A class of students from Leh University attended also. There was a cake for the founder to cut and distribute among the participants. Speeches were held by the Supervisor Norbu, Technical Supervisor Barbara Forst, President David and Founder Karola Wood. Presents were given to Barbara and Karola by the parents of the beneficiaries. It was a very emotional event with lots of participation and sincere dedication toward the project of the future: helping the special needs children all over Ladakh. 

Another special moment was the visit of MLC Tsering Dorjay Lakruk who donated 1 Mio. Rupies for the new building project. 
Other promises of support were given by respected organizations in Ladakh.


After the speeches there was a nice lunch for everybody. The extraordinary commitment of the Leh team toward the event and their work in general was acknowledged by all visitors. We are all proud of you!


Karola Wood, founder



Ladakh-Hilfe e.V., 

Sparkasse Günzburg



IBAN: DE237205184 00008187981 

Tag der Umwelt in Kargil, April 2024


Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.

Peterbergstraße 23
79117 Freiburg,





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