Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

UDID assessment camp by social department at Rewa society office Leh, Dec. 31st, 2022

The social department organised a Leh district camp at Rewa Centre. Doctors from SNM Hospital assisted with this.


After the registration at all children with disability get pension from government per month they 1000 Rupies.


Before they did not link up with Aadhar no. now they link up with Aadhar no online. Aadhar is a 12 digit individual identification number issued by the unique identification authority of Inida on behalt of government of India. The number serves as a proof of identie and address anywehre in India. 


The REWA staff assisted with everything and made sure, all the children and applicants got what they needed on the last day of December 2022. 




Ladakh-Hilfe e.V., 

Sparkasse Günzburg



IBAN: DE237205184 00008187981 

Tag der Umwelt in Kargil, April 2024


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79117 Freiburg,





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