Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

School bus in Leh needs overhaul

In 2013 the German government ministry Bengo donated a schoolbus to REWA Leh. This bus has been used and abused over the years and needs an overhaul. REWA got an estimate and end of November our driver Thupstan took it to Northern India for it to get completely oeverhauled.


We have enclosed the estimat and aks you to see if you may help meet the needs of this cost. You may donate directly to REWA account or via Paypal. 

We are so grateful and happy the children have a save and good looking bus again. 


Please enjoy the pictures and the updates!

This is how the bus looked like 2013, brand new

Here you find the stages of repair starting December 2022

Update Dec. 9, 2022 It is looking better with each day

Update December 14th, 2022



Ladakh-Hilfe e.V., 

Sparkasse Günzburg



IBAN: DE237205184 00008187981 

Tag der Umwelt in Kargil, April 2024


Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.

Peterbergstraße 23
79117 Freiburg,





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