Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

Advanced Training Autism Spectrum Disorder in May 2023


Mishantini Sanderasagran, is the Founder and Director of ALRITE Play and Achievement Centre Sdn Bhd known as ALRITE AUTISM CENTER.

She is a certified Registered Behaviour Technician (RBT), Board Certified Behaviour Analysis, USA and a special educator with experience in central administration and the classroom.

Misha contacted REWA Society in November 2022. She offered to volunteer for REWA Society: 

"I would like to take this opportunity to extend my experience in serving the families and children in LADAKH. My experience includes, training parents and teachers, generating curriculum, IEP, creating materials. I substantially believe, my experience and passion can be a support for the children and family at your region."


We gladly took this offer  and invited Misha to train REWA staff and others in Ladakh. 

Here is her website:


Misha has arrived in Ladakh and she already spent several days with REWA Kargil staff for training. Next she will be in Leh to train REWA staff, staff of other NGO's and government teachers. After that she will provide practice training for REWA staff and next she will provide training to the parents.


We are very grateful for this very appreciated opportunity of professional training on Autism Spectrum disorders for the people of Ladakh and thank Misha and her team from the bottom of our heart!

Training in Leh from 18.-23. May 2023


Today the Rewa society Leh organised a two day training programme on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) the training took place at the Rewa centre and many teachers both government and private schools participated the training will completed tomorrow.

Report on Visiting Kargil for Autism Training by Mrs. Misha


On Sunday, 14th of May 2023, Mrs Misha has visited to Kargil along with the Rewa Staffs ( Urgyan and Stanzin). The two days training session on 15th and 16th May was successfully conducted on Autism (ASD) to Rewa staffs and teachers from Munshi Habibullah School. The training aimed to enhance the knowledge and skills of the staff, enabling them to provide better support and care to Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Kargil.



• To enhance the understanding of ASD among the staff in Kargil.

• To provide training on effective strategies and interventions for children with autism.

• To empower the staff with skills necessary for supporting children with autism in their daily lives.

• To promote a supportive and inclusive environment for children with autism. Activities:

• Group activities: Group activities and role-playing exercises were organized to facilitate the application of learned skills and encourage teamwork among the participants. These activities helped to reinforce the training content and foster a collaborative learning environment.

• Training sessions: A comprehensive training curriculum was developed, covering various aspects of autism, including diagnosis, characteristics, communication, social skills, sensory sensitivities, and behavioral interventions. The training sessions incorporated a combination of presentations, case studies, interactive discussions, and hands-on activities to ensure active participation and engagement.


• Q&A and discussions: Question-and-answer sessions and open discussions were held throughout the training program. These sessions allowed the participants to seek clarification on any doubts or concerns they had and provided an opportunity for sharing experiences and best practices. Photos during the training session at Kargil Conclusion:


Conclusion: The visit to Kargil for conducting autism training proved to be highly beneficial in enhancing the knowledge and skills of our staffs specially working with children with autism. By equipping the staff with appropriate training, the initiative aimed to improve the quality of support and care provided to children with autism in Kargil. We extend our gratitude to all the participants from Rewa and School and thanks to Sajjad coordinator Rewa making this training program a success. Special thanks to Principal of Munshi Habib Ullah School for his support and encouraging Mrs Misha for her outstanding presentation and training.


Report written by REWA assistant Manager Urgyan Phuntsok



Ladakh-Hilfe e.V., 

Sparkasse Günzburg



IBAN: DE237205184 00008187981 

Tag der Umwelt in Kargil, April 2024


Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.

Peterbergstraße 23
79117 Freiburg,





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