Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

REWA Society finally moved to temporary location last week of November 2019

10 years REWA Society was located in Lions Club building. It was a great time, a time of development and growth. Now we have finally outgrown the facitlities. The new therapy center REWA 2020 will take time to build, but meanwhile REWA needs proper facilities for therapy and special education. Manager Dorjay has held many meetings with educational department this year and finally they agreed on a location which is a very good place. It is down from the Shanti Stupa on Upper Thukcha Road, close to the Army Hospital. Easy to reach from town. 


This is a school with a special program from the government and all the children are provided lunch. There are 14 regular students and 4 teachers.


REWA will move out of Lions Club by 30th of November completely. A bit of a problem were the toilets which are not adequate for children with disabilities. So they used one of the new toilet chairs for a temporay solution. It had been sent from Germany this fall with the aids transport. 


We look back to 10 years in Lions Club and we are very grateful for this time there. We hope that after the move and the adjustment to new location therapy and special education will pick up again and help the children of Ladakh.



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Sparkasse Günzburg



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Tag der Umwelt in Kargil, April 2024


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