On 3rd December international disability day was celebrated at education department training hall at Leh.
Event was sponsors by education department and social welfare department.
Even was colloberately organised by all NGOS working on disabilities issues, education department and social welfare department .
Event was started at 10 :30 am with an national anthem by sign language and chief guest was district magistrate .district magistrate announce to help on any issues for disabilities .
In a speech by join director she especially order education department to visit the current school of Rewa centre and present a report on requirements . base on the report government department will provide all the necessary equiptment, infrastructure and human resource support and she also announce that she can fight for REWA to get support from any source.
Event was very interesting and every children’s participated at stage show. it was an compulsory to organise two dance from each organisation.
Rewa students perform two dance one on a bollywood song. “Baam Baam Bole” and one song composed by Rewa itself “ REWA REWA”School students also participated with Rewa childrens for the performance at stage.
More the 200 people participated at the event, tea and snacks contributed from NGOS (445 rupees contributed from each organisation), fooding and arrangement was from education and social welfare department
On the event Rewa society install a stall at venue and it was very attractive, every one attention was on our stall, we earned 2620 , it was a good experience and it could be a good source for income generation in future. volunteers was the key responsible for this activities.
Written by TseringDorjay, Manager Rewa society
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