Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

World Disabilty Day in Kargil  12/3/2020

The World Disability Day was celebrated in Kargil at our REWA Center. Also present was local TV and the presentation of the day was seen on TV all over Ladakh and Kashmir/Jammu. 


Here the report from Mr. Gulzar Munshi:


Today on 3rd Dec. International world disability day was celebrated in Kargil by REWA NA KASCO SOCIETY AT CHILDREN DIISABLITY CENTER, Munshi Habibullah Mission School Kargil by staff, students and parents of the center.

Mr.Nazir Ahmed Wani, Chief Education Officer Kargil , was the Chief Guest and Mrs. &.Mr..Dr. John from Karnataka,  were the Guest of Honor.

A colorful cultural program of dance and dongs were presented by the students of Disability Center and students of Munshi Habibullah Mission Schools.

President REWA NA KASCO Mr. Gulzar Munshi delivered the introductory and welcome speech.

Coordinator Kargil, Mr. Sajjad Munshi, delivered the vote of thanks speech.

Dr. John, the guest, shared his feelings about the Center and desired to do his best to support the Society in future.

Mr. Nazir Wani, the Chief guest, thanked for inviting him and said that he was overly impressed by the Social service being delivered by the center to the needy patients of Kargil. He further said that he would look for the possibilities for conducting programs in collaborating with Education Department Kargil.

At the conclusion prizes were distributed among the Students.

In the End the all guests paid a visit to the rooms of the center and praised and appreciated their work being done with the support of Ladakh-Hilfe Germany.

Mr. Ajaz Munshi and Archo Fatima, Special Teacher,  anchored the program.

The function concluded with National Anthem.


Pictures Kargil


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