Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

October 2019 Update move: So far REWA has not been able to move due to difficulties with local approval. REWA is still in Lions Club building as of right now. We will post any changes immediately...

REWA Leh is moving into temporary facilities,    Aug. 20, 2019

In January the government contacted REWA for a collaboration with the Saboo school. They invited REWA to move there for inclusion of students with disability and to do therapy. REWA manager Dorjay has worked out a proposal for the government and all the plans were talked over with all friends and supporters involved with REWA. The temporary move will be of benefit, because the Saboo school ist close to the building site of REWA 2020. Staff is much closer for supervision and access of new building, which will be in Solar colony in Saboo.


Since the Lions Club was turning the present center into commercial area in the last two years, construction has been going on in the upper floor and much traffic. Also the garden area will be rented out to some company to build a cafè and the construction started last week. It is not possible to use the garden anymore for therapy, our vehicles cannot drop of the children close to entrance and no wheel chairs can move in this area. So the decision to move is urgent and will be done next week. For anybody wanting to contact REWA, please call the numbers in the homepage. Very soon we will publish address and location.


We needed to move anyway, since the facilities at Lions Club have become much to small for the work of REWA. We have been there 10 years now and it was a great time. Thank you Lions Club for giving us the chance to grow!


Karola Wood, Director Ladakh-Hilfe


Construction work at Lions Club building

Manager Dorjay reports on August 20th, 2019:


Rewa society submitted a proposal to the Government on Inclusive Education to colloborately implement the project as a role model at Saboo School.

It has accepted by the government, within a week, Government will permit us to move to the school. Today we have visited to the school at Saboo and met with the teachers and school headmaster. It is a very beautiful school with alots of trees and flowers around.


Currently it has no access for wheelchair users at the entrance but small investment can make it accessible.


Existing toilet is very far and it is not accessible and also it is a dry toilet. Temporarily toilet has to be installing nearby compound with water facilities.

We will talked to the government for providing the missing  facilities, government has already promised us to help in any circumstances, so hopefully once we start the project everything will go smooth .


Currently at the school 30 students are studying and they have 7 staff members, school has facilities for lunch for the students. It has 12 rooms including offices and kitchen.


Today we will discuss with the team members regarding the shifting of therapy centre.



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