Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

REWA is taking off in 2022

April 2nd, 2022


REWA is busy. Many things are happening: In Leh they have 22 children coming, not enough space, a second driver needs to be hired, Thugjay needs to be replaced for 3 months since her husband is in hospital, Batalik needs to be assessed and set up, and many other things are happening.


The continuation of the construction of the CTC in Leh has resumed, since REWA needs the space. So many children, so much work to do. Expansion and progress will come with the shift into the CTC. But first the kitchen/wash room/toilet tract needs to be finished. It will happen fast. 


Kargil is going full speed, they are also helping with the set up of Batalik, the 3rd rehab center. 


To ensure quality, professionality and motivation in therapy, there are meetings being held:


A parents meeting took place in Leh on Monday, March 25th.


Followings are the list of the points which we have discussed and shared

1 Bring kids on a regular basis from 1st April onwards.

2 kids  will come in uniform  from 1st April onwards

3 Parents will not stay along with their kids during therapy

4 Pickup points finalized, as there was a lot of challenge to move the bus to their doorsteps ( colony maney for those who are coming from Coloney),Jail Maney for those who are coming from the choglamsar jail site and polo ground chowk for those who are coming from skampari.

5 Parents who have to be along with their kids will set up a skill development centre for revenue generation for both Rewa and Parents @ 60/40.volunteer trainer is required to train the parents to add more value to the product and make it easy to sell in the market as they made.

6 UDID registration for kids at REWA to avail of the Government schemes. Request Letter has been issued to the education department 

7 contributions of 500 rupees from parents as transport charges.

8 Timing from 10 am to 3 pm from Monday to Friday.

From Dorjay, Manager REWA



Saturday, April 2nd there was an extensive Zoom meeting with Barbara, Karola and the staff of Leh and Kargil. Barbara was lecturing on the international standards ICF, SMART Goals and GMFCS. The plan for teaching and upgrading was set up for 2022, more Zoom conferences are planned. 



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