Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

Become a member and recruit other members!

With currently 79 members and an annual contribution of 40 euros each, we can only count on 3,160 euros per year. With 300 members, we would have 12,000 euros, a different amount with different possibilities! Please set up a standing order for the membership fee. This is the easiest option for us.

The association thrives on the activity of its members and donors. We need word-of-mouth advertising and members who become active, organize, initiate and support events. Talk to relatives and acquaintances about the children in Ladakh and the goals of the association, use an email signature to refer to the association in every email, free of charge, effectively and automatically.

Our general meeting takes place once a year in Freiburg. The invitation is sent by email. The general meeting can be held as a face-to-face, online or hybrid meeting. The annual report is published on the homepage in good time. Members who do not attend the general meeting can receive the cash report on request.


Please note: Our association is run entirely by volunteers. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.


Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE52 7315 0000 0008 1879 81



Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.

Peterbergstraße 23
79117 Freiburg,




Flyer Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.


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