- About us
- News
- Current projects
- Archive
- Donation Program in Kargil
- Ladakh Marathon
- Birthday Fun!
- Dr. Nordan teaches in REWA
- Special Activities in Leh
- Dental Camp in Lions Club
- Sports Day in Leh
- Fieldtrip Nubra Valley August 2023
- Farewell party in Kargil
- 20 year celebration in Leh
- Barbara in Kargil
- Bobath-Intensive-Course in Leh
- Fruit Day in Leh
- Dechen teaches OSIT
- Picknick in Kargil
- Tangtse Fieldtrip
- Kargil Food Festival and Fundraiser
- Birthdays and Founders Day
- Partner with German special ed school
- Temisgam Fieldtrip
- Nubra Field Trip May 2023
- Advanced training Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Activities in Kargil in May
- Ladakh-Day in Leh
- Fun, Colours and Nature in Kargil
- Crafts and Yoga in Leh
- Rock Painting
- 20 years involvement in Ladakh
- Special Bharat Olympics
- Rinchen - a dream comes true
- REWA Leh opens for 2023 season
- Assessment Camp Social Department
- Bus needs repair
- World Disabilty Day 2022
- Childrens day in November 2022
- Exams in Leh, Special ed
- Annual sports day in Kargil
- Sightseeing for REWA kids
- Zanskar Fieldtrip October 2022
- Fundraising workshop for NGOs in Kargil
- Introducing new staff Urguyan
- Visit of CEC Tashi Gyalson at REWA
- National Day of Sign Language in Kargil
- Government activities in Nubra
- Parents-Teacher Day
- Rhythmical work in Kargil
- Sportsday in Kargil
- Therapy in Leh, September
- Celebrating Teachers Day in Leh
- B&N Foundation Banglore’s Nutrition Distribution Campaign
- Therapy in Kargil, September
- Saturday Activity in Kargil, 08/27/22
- Challenging Sporting Event in Leh
- Celebration 75 years India
- Therapy and Special Ed in Leh
- Activities with Sand in Kargil
- Sportsday in Leh
- Lots of activities in Kargil
- Army is helping REWA
- International yoga day
- REWA is shifting to new CTC
- Special Picknick for kids
- Report from Special Ed Teacher
- Grand Opening of Batalik Therapy Center
- Barbara and Chokla receive price
- Speechtherapist Ena volunteers for REWA
- Dechen is gone, Stanzin is here
- Saturday acticities in Kargil
- meetings...meetings!!!
- Great Opportunity in Batalik
- Therapy starts in 2022
- Getting ready for opening
- World Disability Day, December 2021
- Health Camp in Batalik
- Therapy in Leh, October 2021
- Active Kargil in October
- Activities September 2021
- Homevisits July
- Therapy in Kargil/Leh in April
- World Nature Day in Kargil
- Parentsmeeting in Leh
- Therapy in Kargil, March 2021
- Meeting for annual planning
- Rewa reopening 2021
- World Disabilty Day 2020 Leh
- World Disability Day 2020 Kargil
- Therapy November 2020
- Therapy October 2020
- Vistara helps REWA
- Jamphel outing with family
- PT Armina visits more children
- Tele Therapy in Leh, Aug. 15, 2020
- Homevisit Kargil, Aug. 13, 2020
- Message from REWA Staff, August 2020
- August 2020 Clearing of Lions Club building
- Advanced Training for Staff
- Therapy in Leh, June 2020
- Therapy in Kargil, June 2020
- Certificates for Student Dechen
- Certificates for Student Lobzang
- Speech Therapy in April
- Therapy and school continue
- Home schooling for REWA kids
- More pictures of therapy at home
- Gulzar passes 10th class
- April: Both REWA teams active!
- Workshop on Hygiene
- REWA opening 2020
- Membership Boardmeeting in December
- World Disability Day Kargil
- World Disability Day Leh
- 3 local volunteers with REWA
- REWA Society moved to temporary location
- Happy Childrens Day Nov. 15th
- Parents Meeting in November
- REWA and Literature Festival
- Training Fire Extinguisher in Leh
- Food Festival Kargil
- Annual Sport Day kargil
- Visit of therapist from Singapore
- New Staff in Kargil
- Visit German Biker Team
- REWA Leh is moving in August
- Kargil is busy in August
- Special Ed in July 2019
- Foundation Stone and Founders Day
- Team Workshop for REWA staff
- Training for Special Educator Archo
- Fun Saturday in Leh
- Trichy interns talk about their work in Leh
- Exposure trip for Kargil kids
- Students from Trichy reach Leh
- Earth Day and Stonepaining
- Workshop with Aditya
- Kargil going strong in 2019
- Skating for special needs children
- Completed projects
- Annual reports
- Reports Fieldtrips
- Membership
- Donations
- Sponsorships
- Volunteers
- Ladakh
- Imprint
- Privacy Policy