Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

Special Activity in Leh, August 30th, 2023

First activity was about the importance of brushing teeth:


First I gave the children a demonstration of the tools we use to brush our teeth. 
I instructed the children in how to brush their teeth after the demonstration. I also discussed the advantages of brushing the teeth. I instructed the children to brush their teeth every morning and night.  I also spoke with the children about the value of brushing our teeth and how not brushing our teeth affects us.  We assist kids in brushing their teeth if they are having trouble.
Additionally, Ma'am Ringchen and I  mentioned that children with special needs need a special toothpaste and that if they have trouble holding the brush, , we will use the grasp. I concluded by demonstrating how to brush your teeth in a video.


Therapist Lobzang Dolma

Second was activity with kneading and creating with wheatflour:

We are doing different types of shapes with wheat flour . The children really love to play with the wheat and the children create new ideas to make shapes and as well as they will improve their fine motor skills , concentration  and eye and coordination . 


Lobzang Dolma

Third we had a visit:

A class from Leh from the "Delhi public scholl" visited our Rewa school to wish Raksha bandan to our rewa student. They put the Raksha Bandhan bracelts on the wrists of the REWA children, a very lovely gesture signaling the REWA children togetherness. Raksha Bandhan is a popular Hindu festival that celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters.


Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE52 7315 0000 0008 1879 81



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