Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

Indian Army donated in Kargil, Nov. 8,2023

Today we had a donation program by Indian Army for our Rewa unit.


As part of Op Sadbhavana, Indian Army donated a total of 33 items including Wheel chair, crutches, bars etc to the school.


This will go a long way in ease of life and also enhancing the existing therapy workouts of our differently-abled students.


Army team also presented few cultural activities. This was added by few performances by our Rewa and Lower wing children, as well by Class 10th students.


The Commanding officer in his speech appreciated the noble thought of the School management to have an inclusive culture.


Finally, School Director Sir Gulzar thanked the Indian Army for their outlook towards the society and also spoke on how the school is working on the philosophy of Integration of these students into the mainstream society.


Report by PT Bilquis


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