Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

Therapie in Leh and Kargil, November 2020

Careful with Corona....


That is the news we get from Leh and Kargil. This C-problem is causing troubles and cares worldwide. We have to cope as good as possible. Our teams are doing their best, finding ways to help the beneficiaries. My highest respects and applaud to all of you! 


Karola Wood, Director Ladakh-Hilfe


This message is from Kargil, but it speaks for Leh as well:


Respected Madam.


                In reference to your whats’aap message, we the REWA society Kargil are trying our best despite COVID-19 pandemic. We are trying our best to achieve our goal to the un-reached.

                Due to extreme cold condition, we are facing lot of problems and hardships due to the non-availability of proper heating arrangements.

So far as the center is concerned, it is functioning properly and we are treating patients and students on rotational basis, following all SOP’s issued by the Government still due to the non-cooperation of the parents during field and home visits we are trying our best to bring more and more patients and students.

                We are bringing more patients for therapy on regular basis followed by home visits on every Friday at chanigund village and peripheries.

                The regular students of our society in the school had their exams on online and we are waiting for the announcement of the Annual results and will continue the center further, subject due to the condition of the weather.

                We assure you that we will work hard to run the center successfully and will achieve our goals with dedication and sincerity.

                Photos of the students and classes are enclosed to your end for kind information. 


Thanking you.




Sajjad Hussain Munshi


Rewa Na Kasco




Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE52 7315 0000 0008 1879 81



Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.

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79117 Freiburg,




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