A lot has happened. The second building attachment is almost finished. All plaster work is done, the bathroom tiling will be completed soon. Painting of walls has started, the windows and doors will be put in. Please follow the amazing progress with pics depicting the changes. We are very exited about the new rooms and the possibilities it will offer for therapy and advancement.
We are still looking for local support and donation of building materials and financial assistance to finish this construction. The shops still need to be constructed to be rented for profit. This will support REWA in future and help them to be self sustainable.
The water tank has been completet. Yesterday they took the supports out and now it is ready to use.
The construction of the rooms is finished. The nepali company is done with their assignment. The ceiling is solid, the support has been removed yesterday also. Now REWA has to look for plasteres to finish the inside. We need your support to continue the construction.
Construction has resumed and the building should be finished by this summer. There has been a forced two week break by suprise snow on the passes. There was no more cement in Leh. But on May 24th construction will continue. We keep you update.
Progress of construction of CTC was rather slow late summer due to a lack of financial resources, but now it is picking up again. We will complete the CTC with the help of all friends and local supporters by 2023.
On October 21st the gate arrived at the REWA site. A local donor made it possible. The gate will be installed and painted.
REWA staff is fighting the cold weather with heating elements donated by the Indian Army and heating plates donated by AB enterprise. They will build a partition in the large therapy room for special education and therapy to be able to take place now in winter in one room to keep the heating cost down.
REWA team moved into the new CTC in June 2022. Since then they progressively have made their new home a forever home.
Indian Army comes by and donates much needs accessories, the local government visits CTC and promises aid in all areas, local entrepreneurs and business come and help, donate and support.
Thanks to everyone, we appreciate your help so much!!!
Pictures of the move into the new CTC, the use of the two halls and the kitchen
June 2022:Lots of work has gone into the CTC. Two therapy rooms, one office, one kitchen and bathroom/toilett was finished shortly before the team moven in end of June. The shops at the back of the center are almost finished. Once they will be occupied the income will help pay for some of the financial obligations of REWA Society. They are working on becoming self sustainable.
New architect Tashi is taking the plans to a new level. There has been progress with the land, lots of rocks have been prepared for building and roads have been paved.
Picture below shows new architect Tashi Galson and Dorjay, Manager of REWA.
Tashi Galson and his partner have been working in Ladakh for four years construction very nice buildings. Here a link to his instagramm account where you may check his expertise and success. https://www.instagram.com/ladakhstudio/
In May 2019: heavy machinery is on the land, paving and separating rocks and stones. Let the work begin! We are so exited for the children to have new, efficient and professional therapy center.
REWA is bursting at the seams: Yearly we added new patients. 2018 was quite extreme. More and more infants and toddlers were introduced because of diagnose delayed milestones. Sometimes parents bring their children on their own. They all know for therapy to be effective at REWA, children improve. REWA has become more than a therapeutic center, it has developed into a large, close knit family that sticks together and supports and protects families with special needs children. Families and children that have been stigmatized and forgotten by society. Many things have changed now. Those families are confident now, REWA gives more than therapy: it gives a place to belong and grow, a place to have body and soul nurtured.
We started a special education class at REWA in 2017 to give opportunity to the severely disabled children. They study with great enthusiasm and the parents help wherever they can.
REWA has been renting their facilities from Lions Club since 2009. in 2018 Lions Club has rented out the first floor for commercial use and now there is busy activities all the time. Not a good back ground for intensive therapy, especially with all the rooms being over filled and over used, cramped quarters and less space. We need a new therapy center, more and larger rooms, REWA needs their own facilities.
Land for REWA
Local government has finally granted REWA a piece of land for the purpose of building a therapy center/special education school. In November 2017 REWA got the official permission, to secure the right piece of land took a while. But now it is all set.
A nice piece of land in solar colony in Saboo will be the new place, where REWA will build it’s new center: REWA 2020. There will be rooms for therapy, special education, kitchen and dining, staff quarters, storage, office and more. We were able to secure a young and modern architect who loves the REWA children. He will help us plan and go the best possible way. Local building contractor Lundup Anchok will construct the building. We hope that many more local contractors of all kinds of craftsmanship will help with this project to secure the future of the special needs children of Ladakh: To have a place where children and adults will find professional help on a local level with local support and staff. REWA was started in 2003 by German physiotherapist Karola Wood. She wants to retire and hand over all REWA to local people. She has lit and held the torch to create awareness for the problems of the disabled for 15 years of her life, she dedicated her work and strength to the children, the love of her life, and now she hopes to see the Ladakhi people to take this torch from her and carry on the work.
Construction plans are being worked on by the REWA team and the architect. Building will probably start in 2019. REWA will need lots of donation and support from local people to this. We are confident, that the special needs children have captured the hearts of the Ladakhi people and we count on your help.
We will keep you update as to the plans and progress of REWA 2020 on this page. Please do not hesitate to visit REWA and talk to staff.
Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE52 7315 0000 0008 1879 81
Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.
Peterbergstraße 23
79117 Freiburg,