Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

Teacher Padma sends nice report, July 20, 2019

 I write you news about special class. This year kid's are becoming very good improve and I am very happy. Actually all the kids are doing well but specially I tell u about Choldan he doing very well before he don't know how to write alphabet and now this year he able to write alphabet and really I am so so happy mam. I hope you too happy mam lay. From tomorrow we have a summer vacation for one week and I give home work to all the child those who come in class. To write alphabet and to colouring. For Norbu and Rizwana I give different homework to do they both have to do project on chart paper because they both are intellagent and they both are happy to do this kind of homework. With this I come to end my letter with lots love. Padma, Teacher


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