Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

Nubra Fieldtrip September 5-7th, 2019

Nubra field trip


It was an another 2nd  fieldtrip for the Rewa team I Rinchen along with Stanzin Dorjey (Driver) visit Nubra valley to look to meet our patients 0n 5th of September 2019.


We meet our first patient name Stanzin Chosang from Lakjung village her diagnoses is Cerebral palsy, we had done some exercises with her and taught her parents too.


We meet our second patient (Tsering Dorjey) on same day. She was not feeling well because He is sick and when he is fine he is doing exercise.


Later that day we went to look our second patient (Disket Angmo) we did not meet her because she went to school picnic for another place.


On same day we visit our third patient (Tundup Gyaltson) He was happy with our visited and even served us with food, he does some exercise and taught some positioning.


Lastly on the same day we meet our 4th patient (Stanzin Chosma) her family is welcoming us she was happy with our visited and even served us with food, and we taught some exercise for her mother.


On 6th of September 2019 we went to Turtuk village there we found new patient Her name is (Shyada Kosar ) age 6 year old her diagnosis is choreoathitiod cp. We taught some exercise for her parents, and parents wants to come to Rewa center with her daughter.


On same day we visited our patient (Irfan) he is happy with our visited gave new shoes for him, we does gait training exercise and balance and coordination exercise.


On same day we visited to (Gunesthang) village and meet our patient (Gulzar) He was happy to see us. His grandparents is also there they bring some fresh apricot for us, after that we had done some exercise for him.


On same day we visited our patient (Asak) at home and well come us .there we had tea with his parents. Before he was not walking, now he is walking he has improved a lot. We had done some exercise.


On same day we visited our patient (Fiza Batool) we visited our patient at their home. We had done some exercise for her neck. Last year she got surgery at SNM hospital in Leh.  She is much better than before.


On same day we visited our patient (Shabir ) at school he had improved his walking than  before. We had some exercise for his leg. And he is happy with our visit.


On same day we visited our patient (Nusrat) at her home but she is not feeling well she is sick.


Lastly we visited our patient (Sulman Khan) at school he is very happy with our visited gave one shoes for him .We had done some exercise.


Next day we move to Shayok to visit our patient (Tharchin) at home they are very happy with our visited.  Even also they served food for us. He had improved a lot.


He is doing exercise regular and we had done some exercise with him.

 Then we move back to Leh.



Rinchen Dolker




Ladakh-Hilfe e.V., 

Sparkasse Günzburg



IBAN: DE237205184 00008187981 

Tag der Umwelt in Kargil, April 2024


Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.

Peterbergstraße 23
79117 Freiburg,





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