Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

Stay informed

On our homepage you will find all information about our current and past work.


Inform others

  • On request, we will be happy to send you our current flyer, for example to display in your practice.

  • Set up a collection box in your practice for the children of Ladakh. You will be surprised how many people show interest when additional information about our work and a picture of the children are displayed. You are welcome to request the necessary information and pictures from us.

  • Please feel free to link to our homepage and draw attention to Ladakh-Hilfe e. V.

  • We are also happy to report on our work in lectures. To avoid travel costs, we prefer online

donations instead of gifts

Birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, company parties or other occasions (including funerals).

Instead of gifts on birthdays or other festive days, you can invite your guests to donate to Ladakh-Hilfe e. V. For this purpose, we will be happy to send you transfer forms and flyers to send with your invitations. Please always indicate the occasion when making the transfer, for example, “Birthday .... (name of birthday child) ...”.

Project work

Example: Employees of a practice in the far north made their services available to Ladakh-Hilfe on a Saturday: They advertised in the newspaper for a day of massage. Customers could get a massage for 10 euros and all the money raised was donated. The practice advertised our work in the newspaper, displayed our flyers and showed a presentation.

Come up with imaginative ways to work, collect and donate to a good cause, for example at a Christmas bazaar, summer festival, sponsored run, children's festival and much more.

Former volunteers or those who want to become volunteers

  • Before leaving for Ladakh and/or after returning from your trip, you are welcome to publish an article about our work and your experiences, in consultation with us. The account number of the association can be included directly.

  • Hold slide shows or presentations about your work in Ladakh for your friends, etc.

  • Organizing events in your town (e.g. as part of a Tibetan aid event or a larger photographic lecture about the Himalayas, music events, etc.) with a stand where information about Ladakh-Hilfe is provided.

  • If you have access to radio or television, you can try giving interviews, etc. We have already given a short interview for Bavarian Radio that is repeatedly broadcast and provides information about our work.

Don't be afraid to take big steps: the media are very open to the topic of the Himalayas and social projects, especially if you have been there yourself.

Become a member and recruit other members
With currently 79 members and an annual membership fee of 40 euros each, we can only count on 3160 euros per year. With 300 members, we are at 12,000 euros, a different amount with different possibilities! Set up a standing order for the membership fee, which is the easiest option for us.
The association thrives on the activity of its members and donors. We need word of mouth and members who will actively organize, initiate and support events. Talk to relatives and friends about the children in Ladakh and the goals of the association. Use an email signature to refer to the association free of charge, effectively and automatically in every email.


Support our projects and become a regular sponsor:
Monthly expenses eat up a lot of money: we spend 1500 euros a month on salaries and running costs. Additional costs arise from our ongoing projects. That is why we would be very happy if you could help us with regular donations.


Take over a sponsorship for physiotherapy for one of our children, find out more at “Sponsorships”.


Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE52 7315 0000 0008 1879 81



Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.

Peterbergstraße 23
79117 Freiburg,




Flyer Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.


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