Ladakh-Hilfe e.V., a German non-profit, non-governmental organisation, was founded in 2003 by physiotherapist Karola Wood who went to Ladakh specifically to treat the child Rigzin with Cerebral Palsy in a remote area. At that time she realized that there were many other untreated children with similar conditions and that they and their families desperately needed support in how to deal with their situation. We promised to help the poor families in need, especially Rigzins family. In July 2004 the orangisation started sending professional physiotherapist and occupational therapist from Europe to Ladakh to work as volunteers and to train local workers. From the beginning it has been the goal of the NGO to help the locals help themselves and to become independant. This is still our primary goal for 2020 and REWA is learning successfully year by year to stand on its own more and more.
Please meet our local staff in 20 23
in 2008 local supporters founded the non-profit NGO "REWA Society, Ladakh DIsabled Children Group" in cooperation with Ladakh-Hilfe e.V. This local NGO has been carrying on the work providing professional care to the disabled with the help of local employees, who have been extensively trained for the work. In 2011 we started a branch in Kargil, REWA NA KASCO, serving the Kargil District. In 2014 we started the REWA Special Needs School, included in the Munshi Habibullah Mission School in Kargil.
In 2023 we employ in REWA Leh three fulltime physiotherapist, two coordinators, one Rehabilitons Scientist, one Audiologist, one driver, two helpers. In REWA NA KASCO Kargil we employ three physiotherapist, two teacher for special school, two helpers and one driver.
The director of REWA Society at large is Mr. Sonam David of Leh, the local director in Kargil is Mr. Gulzar Munshi. Special selected volunteers from India and Europe help at request to strengthen both teams and to improve on the quality of therapy for the children.
REWA Society is registered under the Government of India Foreign Contribution (Regulation Act) and also under the Societies Registration Act VI of 1998, Registration Nr. 5974-S of 2011.
All the work of Ladakh-Hilfe/REWA Society is funded with donations
Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE52 7315 0000 0008 1879 81
Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.
Peterbergstraße 23
79117 Freiburg,