Children need hope, they need REWA
Children need hope, they need REWA

Annual report 2018




1. Introduction

2. vision mission of the organization   

3. Highlits activities of the year 2018

4. REWA 2020

5. Expenditure



1) Introduction

Rewa society is a non profit, non religious and non political organisation working for people with disabilities in Ladakh since terms of providing physical rehabilitation services.  Education ,psychosocial support, livelihood ,donation of aids and appliances and surgeries with collaboration of government district hospital.

We registered our organisation under the society registration act in 2011 as a REWA society.

We provide our services to the people with disabilities in two different ways one through institutional and another through community base. Institutionally we are giving more focus on children with disabilities, but at community level we are supporting and providing services to all types of disabilities.





Is to make the people with disability independent, inclusiveness, and where everyone can live with happy and dignity.



Disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action by providing facilities and enable them to independent and also providing  essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.




We are resolute, enthusiastic and bold in our commitment to developing tailored, pragmatic and innovative solutions. We take action and rally those around us to fight injustice.



We work in an independent, professional, selfless and transparent manner.

Equal rights: People with disabilities should enjoy equal rights and opportunities and be included in mainstream society with respect and dignity. Through empowerment, knowledge sharing and capacity building, we believe these changes can become realities.





Objective of the construction is to provide specialised rehabilitation services for all types of people with disability .which include physical rehabilitation, education, capacity building, livelihood opportunities, psychosocial support to parents and people with disabilities and home facilities for homeless people with disability and hostel facilities for volunteers and staff.

Once it completed many people will be beneficiated from this centre and it will act as model for other institutions, we are expecting to get benefit for more the 200 people.

Many people will rehabilitee and enjoy their life again. This institution will change the perspective towards the people with disability in future and this will be the institution to create independent.



Location of the Rewa 2020 is on a main road side which is an plus point  to generate income by constructing a commercial building  at road side which will act as a fencing for the institution and it will be  separate completely from the institution. we are expecting that most of the daily expenses can obtain from this commercial rent.

And many people with disability can use this commercial  building for running a income generation activities .REWA will train and build their capacity for carry out commercial activities for independency


Positive changes 

A school uniform changed their thoughts and attitude also change the society perspective towards them, they are getting more care and love from societies and parents, they are feeling equality and energetic towards their life.

Children's are coming for therapy at REWA not as patient they are coming as a school student. Earlier parents have big burden from the society and they were shy to carry their children for therapy every day but after having uniform for all the kids it became easy and children's are feeling  happy and confident


Education and livelihood 

In 2018 we have given more focused on education because to change the life of person with disabilities and eradicate the society beliefs and karmas towards disabilities .it could only be possible through a proper education and awareness, and it could be possible only if we focused from child hood.

Now a days we are giving education for all as a daily routine and we have got permission from the government department for it.

The Parents who are coming with their children are receiving training on skill development for income generation, these parents   are working on art and craft during the day at centre and sell this product to tourist and generate some income for the parents, by this way, they are earning and children's are getting therapy continuously. This activities is not only for income generation, they are getting a relief from the stress, while working they are sharing their feelings and ventilating. These activities contributing a great scope for stress management for the parents who are dealing.

Kids are also enjoying painting on the bags made by parents. With a stressful life. Dealing with a child with disability is not an easy task and they are doing it from many years and month, they don't have a space to share their problems and feelings,

But creating such environment at REWA really works a lot for stress management which is very important for human beings.


REWA 2020

REWA 2020 is a name of the project for the construction of comprehensive rehabilitation at Leh. Location of the construction site is at Saboo which is  12 km from the main town of Leh. Name of the area is solar colony.

The name solar colony came from a government project. Actually this area was specified for completely solarised construction plan of the government that’s why it called solar colony or solar township.


Main purpose of the project of REWA 2020 is for construction of comprehensive rehabilitation centre. Which include, physiotherapy unit, occupational therapy unit, speech and language therapy unit, prosthetic and orthotic  unit, education centre, hostel for school studying students, and skill development unit  for income generation .Beside above stated services  we are also planning for home facilities for homeless people with disabilities. Currently we are looking for a sponsor for this project .


Now a days we are paving the land and resources available on this land like stone will be use for fencing and building, this big stone break into pieces .In Ladakh we use stone for construction which is strong and warm for cold climate like Ladakh, using cement might be expensive and too cold and it will be difficult to maintain during the winter time, so we have decide to use local mud brick and stone for the construction, it’s an dream of the REWA.


Exposure visit at Germany  

In 2018 exposure visit to Germany had organised  for REWA Manager and local contractor ( building constructor  ),main purpose for the visit was to meet with different stakeholders, who are working in disabilities sector  so that better ideas for REWA Ladakh  to get . We have visited different institution and taken pictures of the buildings of disable centres so that REWA 2020 construction base on a standard and suitable for all. We have  discussed with many stakeholders  and share our  vision and we  have also got a lots of  suggestion, ideas and moral support from the peoples .we really enjoyed  interacting with the people.                                                                          We have also organised a music concert at Hamburg for fund raising and we really enjoyed the movement. We really loved the people from Germany and we have also collected a good amount of money for REWA society.


Report by Manager Dorjay

Expenditures 2018


Ladakh-Hilfe e.V.
IBAN: DE52 7315 0000 0008 1879 81



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79117 Freiburg,




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